Third Party Workplace Conflict Restoration Services is here to assist you and your business to develop and infuse throughout your organization a robust plan to deal with conflict. 3P will help you solve past problems and move forward, with a constant eye toward maintaining, improving, and/or restoring relationships to help your people and business thrive.
Workplace Conflict is Normal & Expected.
If you work with people, you will have conflict. All businesses need a robust strategy to deal with employee conflict swiftly, in a just and confident way that leads to win/win solutions while protecting and restoring relationships. A healthy work environment paves the way for employees to thrive, promoting greater productivity, customer service, and revenue.
Q: If workplace conflict is normal and to be expected, why don’t most businesses have a robust and comprehensive workplace conflict restoration system?
The lack of a real world, workable, every day plan to deal with conflict for all employees is puzzling when we know the price unresolved conflict enacts on businesses, such as:
A: Addressing workplace conflict is REALLY difficult for most people.
It is tough to deal with employee problems. But the difficulties and costs associated with not consistently addressing inevitable conflicts are much, much higher. This is why 3P exists: to train and empower employees and businesses to deal with conflict swiftly and justly, with a win/win restorative mindset that is committed to treating all people with dignity and respect.
Would you benefit from a robust Workplace Conflict Restoration System infused throughout your company?
Take the following quiz:
Do you have a plan to deal with conflict that occurs between individuals at work?
Do you have a plan to address conflicts that arise in teams?
Are employees at your company equipped and empowered to have adult-to-adult conversations with each other when conflicts happen at work?
Do your employees know what to do when a workplace conflict occurs?
Do your employees know what to do when they have a conflict with their boss?
Are line managers equipped to deal with conflicts in a timely, efficient, and effective manner?
Do you have a plan for dealing with workplace mistakes that encourages employees to admit mistakes so problems can be addressed and changes/adjustments implemented?
Do you have a training system in place that encourages and assists managers in holding difficult conversations?
Does your business view conflict as an opportunity for greater creativity and growth?
If you’ve answered ‘no’ to any of the questions above, contact 3P for a free one-hour consultation. Together, we can see what is (or isn’t) going on in your business and find the resources you need to equip your employees to be the brilliant and capable humans they are, making your business a great place to work.